Topic > Should prostitution be legal in the United States? - 917

Should prostitution be legal in the United States? Nevada is currently the only state in the nation to legalize prostitution. They exercise this right in the form of regulated brothels. The power to legalize prostitution is a state power; however, most states have chosen not to legalize this service. Some see prostitution as a business, the selling of goods and services to make a profit, but others consider it morally wrong. Most people think that selling one's body for money should not be encouraged, but others simply see prostitution as a business. Critics of prostitution worry about the ethics of service. They argue that prostitutes have no morals because they have sex to make a profit. This also ties into religion; Most religious people believe that sexual intercourse should be shared between a man and his wife. Prostitution is seen as a non-traditional and shameful profession. Women and men are taught to treasure their bodies, and some think that selling your body is a sign of being worthless and having low self-esteem. Furthermore, most people think that prostitution is not safe for health. The stigma that prostitutes are not clean and do not use contraceptives makes people believe that sexually transmitted diseases are high among people involved in this service industry. Some think that a person's body, especially a woman's, has great value and prostitution robs it of its glory. The argument here is that a person who participates in prostitution is immoral and does not value his or her body. The argument against prostitution is clear. People have been told all their lives to treasure their bodies, sex is for married couples, and those who are religious think they will go to hell if they have sex outside of marriage. Most of the company has… half the paper… professional advertisements. I am pro-choice when it comes to prostitution. I believe the choice to become a prostitute or engage in that industry should be up to the individual. If prostitution were legalized, there would be more brothels. With the increase in brothels there will be fewer prostitutes. “No person's human or civil rights should be violated on the basis of his trade, occupation, work, vocation or profession.” ( Allowing people to make their own decisions is what the United States is built on, so why deny people the right to make the decision to become a prostitute? Works CitedHof, Dennis, dir. Director Brooke Taylor. Cathouse. HBO: HBO, Moundhouse, . Television."Prostitution." 06 May., Online publication on Should Prostitution Be Fair?. Network. December 11. 2013. .