Intervention, repair and accommodation are three very different things that are often confused. They are all helpful for students and in some cases make learning much easier for a student. All students are entitled to Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE). With this idea in mind, students must also have the right to be treated fairly and equitably. Because all students are entitled to a FAPE, it is imperative that educational institutions take steps to ensure that all students are accommodated to the full extent they may need. Bumgarner (2013) states that, “Remediation involves a thorough analysis of a child's condition in determining what initially went wrong, and then developing a plan to remedy the situation.” Remediation is re-teaching the same materials. It can help students who didn't understand it the first time it was taught but need another explanation. Remediation may require extra time with teachers so the student can ask more in-depth questions a student is usually at grade level or above and needs help with a specific topic within the subject They have prior knowledge to understand, but may need it explained in a different way Intervention is usually used when thinking about Response to Intervention or RTI. "Response to Intervention (RTI) is a multi-tiered approach to early identification and support of students with learning and behavioral needs" (National Center for Learning Disabilities , 2015). The students who need intervention are below grade level, but the intervention is intended to bring them back to grade level and get them back on track to continue learning without problems. Intervention is different from remediation because students who n...... middle of paper ...... manipulate schooling practices” (p.11). If a PLC is not implemented correctly, it will not function as it should. With the proper understanding and implementation of a PLC, both students and teachers will benefit. Overall, students may need additional help and RTI steps in to achieve this. Students are all entitled to a FAPE and with this comes learning in the nursery environment for each of them. With RTI, remediation and other intervention strategies, it is quite easy to give every student what they are entitled to and what they deserve. PLCs will help students and teachers with remediation strategies, intervention strategies, and deeper learning as long as they are implemented correctly. Students and teachers must work together to find the right solution for all students and find out how to adequately help and ensure fair and democratic education for all.