“The Yellow Wallpaper” tells the story of a woman who is trapped in a room covered in yellow wallpaper. The story is perplexing as the narrator is likely both the protagonist and the antagonist. In the story, the woman, who is the protagonist, indirectly struggles with herself, which leads her to madness. The main conflict emerges between the narrator and her husband John, who uses his power as a highly recognized male doctor to control his wife by imposing limits on her, forcing her to behave like a sick woman. He then established himself as the superior in their marriage and relationship by being the only decision to be made. Therefore it can be said that what happened externally caused the central conflict that “Yellow Wallpaper is internal”. The narrator uses the background as a symbol of authenticity. So he internalizes his frustrations instead of discussing them openly. There are multiple possible causes for the internal conflict the narrator faces. The first is nervous depression and the other is the fact that her life is controlled by her husband. Her husband has full control because at the beginning of the story, John, her husband, influences how she should act. He decides the actions to be taken regarding his health and holiness. Although she finds herself disagreeing with his synopsis, she is confined and does not admit how she feels about him. This also leads to another major conflict that occurred in the 19th century, where men were dominant and woman was classified as inferior. Proof can be found when the narrator states, “If a high-ranking doctor and her own husband assure friends and relatives that there is nothing wrong with or… middle of the paper… she to feel despair .Her misery led her to do unthinkable things such as unexplained bonding with the woman in the background Finally, the yellow background presents perspectives of how men control women of doctor to control his wife. Caged his wife in a summer house, placing her in a room full of barricades and many defects. As a human being she is deprived of her rights and is taken away from her ability to perform domestic duties may she rest, as he calls it. No doubt, she fell into madness because of the situation she found herself in. When she tore the paper from the wall, it was a sign of freedom from her husband and the bars that held her. prisoner for weeks. She certainly has a vivid imagination and being forced into slavery and unable to write, which in turn leads to mental health problems.