Topic > The Problem of Childhood Obesity - 1326

One of the biggest problems we deal with today, especially in America, is obesity. More specifically our younger generation. The number of obese children has increased dramatically over the past two decades and does not appear to be improving. With fast food restaurants popping up around every corner it's hard not to understand why we are a fat country and why our children will grow up to be obese. But who is to blame for this increase in obesity in our young children, parents? Fast food chains? Society in general? In recent years we have seen a shift in the way young people interact with each other, from spending the day out playing to staying at home watching television all day. The impact of childhood obesity impacts not just their lives but everyone's, as it is responsible for approximately $14.1 billion in direct medical costs ("McDonald's Shareholder Proposal No. 7." xx-xx ). The way we treat our children has also undergone a dramatic change, as has the way we discipline them and allow them to engage each other in the social situation. All of this impacts the problems we are dealing with today when it comes to obesity in young children. But together we can help change the way children grow and keep them healthy and living longer lives. Obesity is the greatest threat to modern health. It is linked to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and some types of cancer. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says 35.9 percent of Americans over the age of 20 are classified as obese. The percentage of adults age 20 and older who are overweight, including obesity, is 69.2% ("FASTSTATS - Prevalence of Overweight." xx-xx). The most disturbing fact is what emerges from a survey by Nation Health and Nutrition... at the center of the document...arn The Facts." Let's move!. Np, nd Web. 11 December 2013. Ludwig, David S. "Obesity Infantile: The Shape of Future Things." The New England Journal of Medicine., n.d. Web, December 11, 2013. "Business Proposal No. 7 by McDonald's." Accountability International. Np, nd Web. December 12, 2013. Smith, Tammie "Your Health: Teen Weight Loss Surgery Options: Your Health" Richmond Times-Dispatch BH Media Group Holdings, Inc., nd Web 2013. Super Size me Dir. Morgan Spurloc.